Sunday, July 10, 2011

Black Hills Traffic

This morning, I headed out to Custer State Park, hoping to catch a glimpse of the wildlife.  The road is winding and hilly, and I drove with the windows down and music off, listening to the whispeing of the wind in the pines. I think I smiled the whole drive.

As I prepared to turn down Wildlife Loop in the park, I once again heard the stampeding of hooves. This time, they were bison hooves. They were heading right towards me, veering off just in time onto the very road I was to turn on. I followed them, then had to stop as they decided to mill about in the road. Buffalo traffic jam.  After a time, they moved enough for traffic to keep moving. I would not have wanted to be one of the bikers riding through the park with nothing between me and the beasts.  A few minutes later, it happened again.

I saw the deer and the antelope play, and the skies have not been cloudy all day.  I think I was the happiest I've been on my trip, and verging on giddy. Then, I fully crossed the line over into giddy when I came upon the herd of wild donkeys. Last time I was here, we only saw one. This time, more than a dozen. They approached me for food and pats, and even stuck their heads in my car, so I shared a bag of dried pears with them.

All in all, it's been a great day. And it's not quite noon as I sit here waiting for my bison bratwurst sandwich in Hill City at Bumpin' Buffalo.

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