Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Down By The Bay

Sorry for the lack of updating. It's been a couple days since I've had a good wireless connection. Even now, I'm blogging from my phone. Three cheers for technology!

I'm sitting on Pier 39 in San Francisco, looking out over San Francisco Bay. I can see Alacatraz, and the feet of the Golden Gate Bridge, just below the fog. (See picture). I've been watching the fog slowly creep across the Bay as sea lions bask in the sun, one occasionally lifting his head to lazily examine gawking tourists on passing boats.

The great thing about road trips is that they completely change your ideas of time. I'm staying about an hour away, but that felt like nothing this morning.

You can't tell reading this after the fact, but there was just a long pause as I lifted my face up to the sun, then watched the thousandth boat pass by. It's breezy and smells of water and boats and food. Good thing I already ate lunch...

Back to the story. I came down to the Pier mostly to kill time today. I've been relaxing, wandering in and out of shops and drinking coffee on a bench next to the Bay. Tonight I pick up Charles at the airport, and we'll do the serious sightseeing tomorrow. Right now, it's just downtime from the frenzy of traversing the country.

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