Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Tonight I weighed my options of cold sandwich/canned tuna with local flavor, and decided the former could wait a few more nights until I'm camping or for lunches on the road. It took some searching since the wireless at the hotel is down and I had to use my phone but I found a chic and modern vegetarian restaurant.  Although I'm far from vegetarian, I'm frequently intrigued by the options, so I ventured into town to try it out.

I'm not generally into vegan substitutes for animal products, so that limited my options. I ordered a cup of gazpacho and the grilled watermelon salad. Yes, that's watermelon, not tuna or extremely rare steak. The gazpacho was yummy, almost too spicy for me. The salad was delicious, and unlike anything I've had before. The grilled watermelon was smoky and savory, with just a hint of its ordinary sweetness.  Surprisingly, I was too full to try any of their desserts.

I think for the rest of the evening, I'm going to curl up with Scarlette O'Hara and her suitors.

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